A comic based on a long-running D&D campaign character, Felena. Because role playing isn’t fantasy enough, in this page I imagine the elf assassin abandons […]
Author: Britton
Prismatic Dragon
Prismatic Dragon, 3-9-2018.Original = 8.5″ x 11″ Ink Wash, Gouache, and Colored Pencil on Yupo paper.Britton Sukys
Felena’s Pool
Felena DeShadow, 7th-level Elf Assassin.4-1-2020, session #69.5. Based on an assassin elf character in our long-running D&D campaign.Felena explored the Stark Mounds alone.Tracked murderous gnolls […]
Felena DeShadow, Backstabber
Felena DeShadow, 3rd-level Elf Thief (1rst Edition AD&D). Covertly dispatches several goblins guarding Castle Karn.October 2018, Session #10. Based on an elf assassin character in […]
Felena Deshadow, Assassin
Felena DeShadow, 8th-Level Elf Assassin. Character Sheet Portrait, 2020.Sessions #70-81 (Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth) Based on an assassin elf character in our long-running D&D campaign.
Felena DeShadow, Planeswalker
Felena Deshadow, 14th level Elf Assassin, as she explores the Planes. Session #124 Based on an elf assassin character in our long-running D&D campaign.
Map of Greyhawk’s Orlane
The town of Orlane In-game map of the classic dungeon, N1-Against the Cult of the Reptile God. This adventure was the beginning chapter of a […]
Map of Greyhawk’s Gran March
Gran March Our D&D group finished a four-year D&D campaign in November 2022. We started in the town of Orlane and eventually traveled multiple planes […]